Circular training – a set of exercises for burning fat

Circular training



Circular fat burning training is a great way to work out all the major muscle groups in a relatively short period. During the circular training, the exercises are performed one after another, in a circle, and not in sets, as usual. One circle represents several exercises, usually from 4 to 7. Exercises can be performed either on repetitions, or on time. In this case, rest between exercises of one lap or short (30 seconds), or completely absent. But it is important to remember that rest between circles is simply necessary, otherwise few will reach the finish line.

The problem of getting rid of excess weight is especially acute in the spring, when it comes to the realization that the summer is already around the corner. What kind of attempts is not made in an effort to lose weight faster.But, unfortunately, no miracle drugs and diets are able to help in this matter circuit exercises. The first – because they do not exist at all, and the latter not only will not get rid of excess kilograms, but they can add new ones.

But a good friend will be training, aimed at reducing excess weight and working out all the muscles. Such training is called circular. They include both cardio loads and power.

Workout Features

The main goal of the circular training is to work out the muscles of the whole body in one day. Thus aerobic loadings are combined with power, for which both simulators and free weights will approach. It should be noted that the weight of gravity should be limited. Circuit workout (cst) is not aimed at the formation of muscle mass and is carried out with high intensity, because of this, large weights for it are not suitable.


circuit training


To conduct a circular training, 10-12 exercises are selected, aimed at all parts of the body. One such circle is repeated 2-3 times with rest between sets in 30 seconds. When the intensity of the exercise is too great, the time between approaches should be increased to 1 minute.


As a rule, new coaches do not advise from the very beginning to do exercises using free weights, preferring simulators. The simulators are adapted for convenient and safe training with power loads.


Unlike them, free weights require special skill in use and are recommended to people who have physical training.

Circuit training is most effective in combating obesity. In addition to burning excess fat, it affects the muscles of the entire body and leads them to tone, without increasing muscle mass.

Advantages and disadvantages

Circular training (cst) is more popular even than cardio. This is due to the fact that this scheme is suitable for the largest number of people. Circuit training can be done at home. The method of circular training is suitable for men, women and girls. The only difference is that men pay the most attention to the upper body, and women – the bottom.

  • Pros:
  • ideal for intensive fat burning;
  • increases physical strength;
  • during training, each muscle of the body is included in the work;
  • accelerates the metabolism;
  • keeps muscle volume;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • suitable for beginners;
  • you can practice your circular training at home.
  • Minuses:
  • does not build muscle.

Rules of training

  • Initially, it is necessary to draw up a training plan, which will consist of several exercises. It is necessary to choose 2 – 3 exercises for each part of the body.
  • Before the start of training, it is mandatory to perform a 5-minute warm-up. Muscles should be heated slowly, gradually increasing the pace of warm-up. When the muscles are prepared, you can start training.
  • Training of one muscle group should begin with the easiest exercise, so the muscles will be able to prepare for the upcoming load.
  • The choice of weight should be approached carefully. Weight should not be chosen very heavy and bring the muscles to failure.
  • In one round, 10 to 50 repetitions of each exercise are performed.
  • After completing one lap, you should rest for about 1 minute.
  • The duration of the circular training should not exceed 30 minutes, otherwise you risk losing part of the muscle mass.
  • 2 – 3 lessons per week will be the most optimal for the body.
  • Rest between training sessions should be at least 48 hours. During this time, the muscles will fully recover.

Program and exercises for circular training


There is a huge number of programs for circular training, besides you can create a personal scheme yourself, but it will be better to coordinate it with the trainer beforehand. Below is a classic circular training program.


Squats are aimed at the formation of the gluteal muscles cardio circuit workout. The weight of your body is used, and dumbbells or a bar are used to achieve a high effect.

When push-ups are worked out the muscles of the hands, as well as pectoral muscles under the weight of their own body.

The starting position is like pressing, then jumping to the squat position.

During the jump, legs and hands should be set aside and jump as quickly as possible.

Exercise helps to strengthen the press. It is necessary to pump both the upper and lower press.

Excellent cardio, working the muscles of the legs.

During all the time allotted for this exercise, you need to run from one end of the hall to the other, while you should sit down and touch the floor. Run better as soon as possible.

  • Squats
  • Push ups.
  • Resist squatting.
  • The “starfish” jumps.
  • The swing of the press.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Shuttle run.

At the end of the circular training, it is superfluous to make a small run.


circuit training in the gym


Circuit training at home

A huge advantage of circuit training exercises with its own weight is their accessibility and the possibility of performing a home. The most popular and effective exercises without weighting:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • Jumping;
  • rocking of the press;
  • exercise “bicycle”;
  • mahi feet;
  • attacks;
  • run.

Circuit training in the gym

Exercises with sports equipment give a quicker effect than exercises in which only one’s own weight is used. Basic exercises:

  • press of dumbbells for hands and chest;
  • sit-ups with dumbbells or a barbell;
  • thrust of the upper block;
  • attacks with dumbbells;
  • deadlift with rod;
  • jumping rope.

Effect of circular training


In the process of training by circular training, endurance is developed, burning of subcutaneous fat occurs and metabolism is accelerated. In addition, due to repetitions, the elasticity of muscles develops and the work of the cardiovascular system improves.


A person acquires an excellent physical form, independently determining which part of his body needs more elaboration. Due to a large influx of oxygen in the blood in the body, a regeneration process is started that can slow down aging.

Circuit training is cyclic protocol-based power or aerobic training. By minimizing interruptions between exercises and a general high intensity, circular training is effective for active fat burning during drying cycles.