Hot Iron Workout, Exercise, Program

Hot Iron – the so-called form of strength training that use a mini-boom. The system is suitable for those engaged with different levels of training. The authors of the exercise programs Hot workout – instructors of the company Reebok, specialists in the field of medicine and psychology of the Dusseldorf Medical University.
To date, the Hot Iron system is used in the most advanced clubs around the world. In many respects this is facilitated by the practice of annual certification, which is required to take the instructors of Hot Iron, as well as the fact that the development of programs involved only specialists from Germany. The training plan changes once a quarter, which avoids the adaptation of the muscles and the early “plateau” in reducing weight.
How did the training system Hot Iron appear?
A study of scientists from the University of Dusseldorf proved that the alternation of loading regimes in strength training is very effective for fat burning. Based on this study, the Hot Iron training program was developed, which is now used in all the best fitness clubs in the world.
The instructors of Hot Iron are obliged to annually undergo certification and conduct training on special programs, which are changed and adjusted every 3 months to avoid getting used to the given load.
Who is Hot Iron for?
For lessons on the Hot Iron system, the sex, age, and the degree of physical training are absolutely irrelevant, because the weight of the mini-bars can be easily adjusted depending on the level of the person’s preparedness.
How does Hot Iron work?
Strength training iron man workout contribute to the rapid breakdown of fats. Such training accelerates the daily metabolism (energy consumption without the use of loads) – there is a fat burning effect after training. In other words, the rate of cleavage of fats at rest and the duration of such cleavage (reaches 24-48 hours), which in the long run leads to an acceleration of the basic metabolism.
Activities Hot Iron are group and conducted under rhythmic incendiary music. The basis of the training is the following basic exercises:
- sit-ups,
- bar press from the prone position,
- attacks,
- deadlift,
- flexion on the biceps,
- torsion on the press.
The system of exercises with a mini-bar is built in such a way that in just an hour it is possible to work out all the main muscles without causing damage to the joints and spine.
To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to practice Hot Iron for an hour three times a week, thus giving the body a rest day between training sessions for the purpose of recovery.
Advantages and disadvantages of Hot Iron
The Hot Iron system has a number of undeniable advantages:
- acceleration of metabolic processes by 30%, as well as the possibility of stable weight loss without additional diets and aerobic training;
- burning of excess fatty tissue, tightening of muscles, changing the composition of the body;
- burning 900 kcal per training session lasting 1 hour;
- strengthening the skeletal structure, increasing muscle strength and flexibility of the joints;
- effective elimination of sagging and cellulite;
- correct correction of the figure and decrease in body volume;
- a scientific approach to drawing up exercises, working with the best trainers who have the appropriate certificates;
- the possibility of individual correction of the training program.
Perhaps the only drawback of the Hot Iron exercise system is that after it you will hardly want to return to classical aerobic-power training.
Types of training Hot Iron
All training iron man workout can be divided into such types (criterion – the degree of training):
- Hot Iron 1. Represents a system of exercises for beginners, which is based on fundamental strength movements. Employees use mini-barbells and sets of removable scales. Here you can choose a special weighting, adequate to your level of training, and gradually increase it.
- Hot Iron 2. It is a training for those who have been successfully engaged in the Hot Iron 1 program for 3-5 months. This complex includes multi-joint exercises (push-ups, sit-ups on one leg, combined lunges). Hot Iron 2 allows you to burn even more calories, while working at the same time and the smallest muscles, and deep layers of muscle corset.
- Iron Body – classical strength training.
- Hot Iron Advanced or classical training with heavier weight.
- Iron Cross. It is an alternative to training on simulators and allows you to achieve record results in burning fat deposits. The system is designed to form an athletic physique in the student. The lessons on this program help to increase energy consumption while simultaneously increasing muscle mass. Iron Cross is suitable for men and trained, physically developed girls.
- Iron Back. A complex designed for people with a twisted posture or problems with the vertebral column. Regular training on this system will help develop and strengthen the muscles of the press and back.
Recommendations for those involved in the Hot Iron program
If you decide to train on the Hot Iron system or are already using this training program iron strength workout, it is important to remember the following recommendations:
- Hot Iron involves the application of a relatively large (bulk) load, as it can cause resistance to muscle tissue, joints, tendons. The higher the strength of tissue resistance, the stronger they will be able to adapt structurally. In addition, the use of high weight will help to better stimulate fat burning after training.
- If you only want to maintain your physical shape, you should take the weight a little less than the coach offers. If you want to get rid of excess weight and adjust the figure, then at the 4th week of the exercise weight should be gradually increased, and the training to attend 2 or 3 times a week.
- According to the system, Hot Iron can be practiced once a week. In this case, the weight should be distributed as follows: small pancakes on their hands, on the legs – medium.
- If you are just starting to practice Hot Iron, or if you do not feel very well on the day of training, it is recommended to take less than the coach offers. Weight can be increased only after 3-4 lessons after this.
- When performing exercises it is very important to breathe freely.
- After classes on the Hotiron system, you need to have a snack, so that the body does not “eat yourself.” You can eat, for example, fish or boiled vegetables. This distinguishes Hot Iron from the traditional aerobic workout (after it is not recommended).
- To achieve maximum performance it is important to attend training routinely.
Effect from the Hot Iron Exercise System
So, by performing the system of exercises Iron Gym Workout, you can safely expect to receive:
- maximum recovery,
- sufficiently rapid fat burning,
- necessary training effect,
- incredible pleasure from training.
Although training is power, it flows easily, and time passes completely unnoticed. In the hour allocated for the lesson, you are charged with energy for the whole day iron gym workout routine, become more confident in yourself and your strengths. This is not surprising. From occupation to occupation, your strength increases. The main thing is to take the bar in your hands and then everything will be on your shoulder!