Fitness at home: fitness program for weight loss

Fitness program for weight loss – a multidimensional concept, since it involves a set of activities aimed at losing excess weight, taking into account the mandatory implementation of the necessary prescriptions. And, speaking of the organization of a weight loss program at home, the result depends only on your consciousness and discipline.
Why are fitness classes, fitness exercises effective for losing weight?
♦ Active burned body fat
The more intense the workout, the faster the fat is burned. It is worth knowing that fat burning continues even after a fitness workout for several hours;
♦ blood glucose level drops
When doing fitness for weight loss, the level of glucose in the blood falls. 20 minutes after the start of workouts, the supply of carbohydrates is exhausted – fat burning begins;
♦ improves metabolism
Fitness slimming helps to speed up the metabolism, improves the work of all internal organs. In turn, the coordinated work of the whole body will provide a faster rate of dropping excess weight. Options for practicing fintes-exercises – a huge amount. Starting from the banal walking, jogging, cycling, training on simulators, gymnastic exercises, ending with aqua aerobics, yoga and other popular sports today.
So, the main principles of fitness at home:
1. Do not allow yourself to be lazy
The most important thing – if you decide to do fitness at home, then in no case do not allow yourself to be lazy. Regularity is a must. It’s easy to find an excuse for yourself at home and skip the workout, put it off until later, make it shorter. But if you have firmly decided to give yourself fitness classes at home, then – no indulgence! Only regular classes will lead you to the desired result. Find videos on this topic and master your own fitness classes. Believe me, you will have a reason to be proud.
2. Perform a full range of training
The next point is a comprehensive workout. In other words, if your most problematic area, for example, is full legs, then you should not focus only on the exercises for this part of the body, be sure to engage in exercises that give load to all muscle groups.
3. The increase and variety of training programs
This item of fitness classes at home – increasing the load. Do not forget that it is necessary to introduce new exercises into the complex of trainings, as well as to increase the duration of trainings. For example: the first 2 months of your fitness classes at home for weight loss last for half an hour, the third, fourth – already for an hour.
4. Systematic performance of exercises
The system of fitness classes at home. Any training should begin with training, warm-up for all groups of muscles, which will prepare your body for subsequent exercises. Then you can proceed to the power, and after – to cardiovascular exercise.
The homemade weight loss program includes 3 main points:
1. Balanced, low-calorie food
The diet should be gently changed in favor of low-fat, low-carb foods, without creating stress for your body. Use a calorie counter.
The most effective way to reduce the number of calories consumed is by giving up alcohol, juices, desserts and sweets, baking, as well as oils and fats.
Nutrition rules for weight loss:
- food intake mode (we eat at the same time);
- cooking method: roasting, steaming;
- choose low-fat dairy products;
- serving in one meal not more than 500 grams;
- give up alcohol, juices, sauces, carbonated drinks, fast food;
- bake and sweets replace fruit;
- water balance;
- stretch meal time (up to 15 minutes);
2. Power loads
Proper weight loss rests on the “two whales”: diet + exercise. If you need to leave only those that speed up metabolic processes and are rich in vitamins and microelements, then the exercises should be at least 1.5-2 hours of training per day, taking into account that training is carried out 3 times a week. At home, it is harder to motivate yourself to workout, but if you set a goal, then go to it. Get dumbbells, a hoop, a fitball, weights and all that is needed for your chosen workout.
3. Aerobic exercise
The best example is running. Twice a week, jog for 30-40 minutes. You should not run on speed, so you quickly out of breath. On the contrary, the longer your run is, the better the fat burning effect. Accordingly, the optimal weight loss program implies a reduction in calories intake by 300-500, an increase in consumption by 300-500 kcal.
Training program for weight loss:
- daily charge for 15 minutes. Charging includes: deflections, bends, squats, twists;
- running 1.5 – km 3 times a week for 40 minutes or jumping rope (100 times, can be broken 50 times in 2 sets);
- 2-3 times a week, go to the gym or do workouts at home ;
- replace watching TV or Internet active leisure: bicycle, pool, tennis, outdoor games;
- 30-30 minutes of stretching for days free from training.
Agree: nothing terrible and complicated. Such a program of weight loss will allow you to bring your body closer to the ideal, and over time it will become your lifestyle!
Fitness at home provides a number of advantages – it is not only economical, but also more convenient in terms of time planning: you do not need to adjust to a specific time assigned to the whole group. However, not everything is so simple, because for effective classes at home you need at least willpower and good self-organization.
Follow simple rules and even fitness at home when combining physical activity with proper nutrition contributes to the maximum goal and the best result.