Anavar pills (Oxandrolone)


Brand: Genesis pharmaceuticals
Substance: Oxandrolone
Packing: 10mg

SKU: 38 Category:


oxandrolone is a synthetic steroid, which ring A is a heterocycle, in which the second carbon atom substituted with an oxygen atom. oxandrolone is widely known for its extremely low androgenic activity, along with high anabolic index. Has the highest among the steroids immune-stimulating effect, significantly increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin.

Steroid profile
400% anabolic and only 25% of the androgenic actions of testosterone;
zero aromatization — the conversion of estrogen;
weak, and in some cases moderate influence on the liver;
the exposure duration up to half a day (12 hours);
the detection time after the cancellation up to 45 days (1.5 months);
available in tablet form.
Anavar is one of the best and most safest steroids for women. This is due to the minimal risk of adverse reactions.
Effects from the use of oxandrolone
Increases hardness of muscles and relief. This is the primary effect that is highly valued by bodybuilders. Combined course with oxandrolone during drying allows to obtain muscle mass without relief of any accumulation of liquid.
Increases the strength. This was quite a widespread anabolic steroid among athletes, boxers, athletes engaged in disciplines with weight categories.
Burns fat deposits.
Activates the production of growth hormone.
The Course Oxandrolone Solo
It is recommended to increase the prominence of the musculature. Steroid is not suitable for mass. It exhibits extremely low activity to weight gain, which makes use anavar is quite expensive for this purpose. The maximum effect is felt athletes with good muscle mass and the average content of adipose tissue. The recommended duration of the course solo is from 6 to 8 weeks, and a daily dosage equal to 20-80 mg. Wide range of acceptable number of steroid depends on the individual.
Selection of an optimal dosage of the drug affected by the following factors: the athlete’s experience of the use of androgenic and anabolic steroids, physiological capabilities and features, training programs, goal and other similar indicators. It is impossible to expect the maximum effect from the intake of oxandrolone, without the prior full medical examination and consultation with a specialist. The rate of admission anavar requires careful monitoring physiological parameters in order to perform correction.
Take the steroid the best thing for growing. You should start with a minimum of 20 milligrams and then raise the dosage to an optimal rate. To balance hormones and minimize side effects, take the amount of the drug is recommended to divide into several times a day. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) starting on the third day after the abolition of the oxandrolone. It involves the intake for 7-14 days 10 mg tamoxifen daily. To strengthen the effect allows a competent sports nutrition.
Combined course
AAC, taken together with the anavar, should not only improve the performance of course, but also to minimize the risk of negative consequences. Preference should be given vysokoobrazovannym steroids. This is a variety of testosterone, sustanon or primobolan.
Combination courses require the reduction of the optimal upper bounds oxandrolone 40 mg per day. Women should take only the course Solo, the reception anavar with other drugs is extremely undesirable.
Possible side effects
oxandrolone is a 17-alpha-accellerating steroid, but it does not have a strong negative impact on the liver. Minimum dosage, according to research, does not affect hepatic enzymes. It does not aromatize and does not exhibit estrogenic activity. Side effects from the anavar due to its ability to reduce, though slightly, its own testosterone.
The body if recommended dosage is exceeded, regards it as a signal to completely stop the synthesis of own testosterone. Systematic abuse of steroid can cause atrophy of the testicles. Following the instructions to the drug, the recommendations of the expert, the probability of any side effects is reduced to one percent.

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